Spencer Day


Spencer Day is a 52-year old football coach serving as the Manager of Farnborough Football Club .

Spencer Day joined Farnborough in November 2011 and played a crucial role in stabilizing the club’s performance in the Conference South for three seasons. Despite facing two relegations largely due to off-field issues, he led the team to a successful promotion to The Southern League Premier Division in the 2016/17 season, finishing a comfortable second and winning in the Play-Offs.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Day effectively managed the team, culminating in a promotion back to Step Two in the last season. His team spent most of the season leading The Southern League Premier South and triumphed in the Play-Off Final. Day is recognized for his diligent work off the pitch, thoroughly preparing his players with detailed information on opponents. Collaborating closely with the Club Owner, he has brought a phase of stability and success to Farnborough.

Read more at farnboroughfc.co.uk